Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fahrenheit 451, Entry #1 pgs3-10

Summarize: A man who burns books for a living meets a girl that asks questions about the world and society. She never answers his questions completely and he begins to get uncomfortable because of his own thoughts.

Discuss: I believe that, following the books theme, the girl represents books and knowledge while the man represents the ignorance that comes by being completely satisyfed and unchalleneged.

Literary Elements:
Situational Irony- The fact that a man who has a life threatening job is almost scared by a girl not even out of highs school.
Allusion - When the girl speaks of a place & time when firemen put fires out and cars were slow.
Symbols - 451 F is the temperature at which paper combusts. Salamander represents the ability to be foreproof and pass through flames unharmed. Also known to be extremely poisonus; so perhaps this represents the vileness in Montags job. Pheonix represents immortality.
Characters - Montag; happy, misses the small things in life, uncomfortable with questioning
                    Clarrise; odd, has endless questions

1 comment:

  1. Jade -

    Good post. Good defining symbols. Clarisse is going to be a spark for Montage. Notice that the last thing she says is, "Are you happy?"

