An Intro to
Odysseus (Books 5-8)
-Summary of important events
-Book 5
- . The book now follows Odysseus and his story
- . Odysseus is/has been held captive on an island with Calypso, a beautiful goddess, for seven years
- . The gods see Odysseus's plight and Zeus sends Hermes to to Calypso she must release him and furnish him with goods so he can be on his way
- . Calypso is angry at the gods for allowing the immortal to bed each other, but forbidding love with them. Nonetheless, she assists Odysseus in building a sturdy raft. She also supplies him with wine, water, meat, and other provisions.
- . On the eighteenth day, Odysseus spots the Phaeacian coast. Unfortunately for Odysseus, Poseidon, just returned from Ethiopia, caught sight of him and decided to whip up a large and brutal storm.
- . He got swept overboard, then was able to climb back on. That is when Ino enters, a sea goddess who was once a mere mortal. She pities the man and gives him her veil, promising that as long as he keeps hold of it, he shall not perish in the sea.
- . After two days, Odysseus reaches the shores of Phaeanicia with help from another god who calmed the river's current so he could climb out on a river bank. He throws the veil back and goes to sleep under a light-tight bush.
-Book 6
- . Athena sends a dream about doing the wash and its importance to Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinoos of the Phaeanicians.
- . She gets permission from her father to go and do the washing, then sets out with all of her handmaidens to the river to supervise the clothing washing.
- . She discovers Odysseus, he makes a pretty speech and she is smitten. She helps clean, clothe, and re-civilize him and tells him how to gain the favor of her royal parents, King and Queen of Phaiacia. He must pay attention to her mother exclusively.
-Book 7
- Covered by a secret mist of sorts, Odysseus sneaks into town and into the palace undetected. He is aided by Athena, disguised as a small child.
- Athena/Small Child tells the story of how Arete, the queen, gained the love and devotion of both her people and her husband.
- Odysseus is struck by the beauty and bounty Olympos had bestowed upon the palace and people of Phaiacia.
- He then spots Arete and proceeds to woo and charm her. Although it startles everyone to suddenly see a man in their hall, the men who were holding a feast are endeared to Odysseus by both his speech and the fact he is a guest.
- Alcinoos, the king, tells the rest of the men there will be a meeting tomorrow morning and they will decide how to send off Odysseus.
- Arete spots the tunic Odysseus wears as one from her palace and questions him. He tells her his story, how he was stuck on Calypso's island for seven years and how he came to meet Nausicaa. He didn't want to bring her shame by telling them strait off.
- Alcinoos tells Odysseus that if he wishes it, Nausicaa could be married to him. However, he assures Odysseus that he won't force him to marry Nausicaa.
-Book 8
- A meeting is called by Alcinoos. They end up deciding to escort Odysseus home in a ship, but before he leaves they want to have a send-away feast.
- They start the festivities with a minstrel who sings of the fall, battle, and war of Troy. Odysseus starts to cry and Alcinoos notices and starts the games in hopes of pleasing and making Odysseus merry.
- Laodamas hopes to entice Odysseus into participating in a few games. Odysseus doesn't feel like it because his heart is full of sorrow. Broadsea, another man, verbally pokes at Odysseus. Odysseus knows it is just a tactic to anger him, but he rebukes both in annoyance then jumps up and beats them all in the games.
- He gets a bit cocky after beating all the other men, but Alcinoos is in agreement that the men acted and spoke badlly. He tells Odysseus that although they are not the best sportsmen, they are blessed with the powers of the sea, dance, and singing.
- A harper came and sang of the affair between Aphrodite and Ares. Also of how they got caught in a golden net by a jealous husband of Aphrodite, Hephaistos.
- Alcinoos then comanded all the princes of his land to bring gifts to their honored guest. They all brought gold and a gift in plenty. Then finally they start the feast filled with good meat and food.
- The amazing minstrel sings once again of the fate of the Achaians and Alcinoos sees Odysseus's tears and asks him to tell his story.
-List of Important/New Characters By:
Familial Relations
Gods & Goddesses
-List of Themes that Appear in these
-Hospitality; Nausicaa/Arete inviting
Odysseus into their home
-Family Unity;
-Honor; Demodocus not forcing Odysseus
to marry Nausicaa
-Unrequited Love
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