Friday, November 11, 2011

BNW Journal Ch. 6 pt. 2

Bernard goes to the Director to receive permission to go to the New Mexican Savage Reservation. He already has higher permission from Mustapha Mond, so this asking is more of a formality and the polite thing to do. The D.H.C. tells Bernard a story about when he went to the savage reservation twenty or so years ago and lost the lady he went with during a large and violent thunderstorm. The other civilized people searched and searched, but could not find the blonde, pneumatic companion. He goes on to say how it has haunted him over the years and occasionally he will have nightmares about it.
The Director is embarrassed by his very personal outburst and to cover it, berate Bernard about his activities and behavior outside of work. Saying it is bad for the centers reputation, he tells Barnard to shape up, otherwise he will be transferred to somewhere undesirable such as boring Iceland. Bernard is unmoved by the D.H.C.’s threats and later tells Helmholtz an exaggerated story of how perfectly he told off the Director.

Lit. Elements:
            Towards the end it is explained that although Helmholtz likes Bernard, there are qualities about him that are severely irritating. The quick swings in mood, particularly, are what grind his metaphorical gears. I believe that this could be a foreshadow as to Helmholtz’s future actions. Bernard has talked to him about lots of stuff, like rebellion, that could get him in trouble. If he were to upset Helmholtz, Helmholtz could easily betray him.

Tonic –adj - giving a feeling of vigor or well-being
Indecorous –adj- not keeping with good taste and propriety
Solecism – noun- a grammatical mistake in speech or writing

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