Poignant - adj - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
The story on the news about twelve kids getting murdered was poignant.
Undulations - noun - wavelike motions/shape
The rippling muscle on the wrestlers back were undulations in shape md movement.
Appease - vb - pacify or placate
To appease me with flowers after attempting to murder my father would be foolhardy!
Ensued -vb - happen or occur afterward or as a result
After the the death of beloved King Chamillon, sadness ensued.
Conjectural - based on or involving conjecture(an opinion formed on the basis of incomplete information)
The conjectural alien thought all humans were amazing creatures.
Apathy - noun - lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern
Halley's apathy towards math was not unnoticed by her Algebra 2 teacher.
Imperceptible - adj - impossible to perceive(be aware of)
Wanting to killing yourself was imperceptible to the disgustingly optimistic counselor.
Imperative - adj - vital importance; crucial
It was imperative that the only heir of the King not be murdered.
Patricide - noun - killing of one's father
Lily was accused of patricide.
Good vocabulary. Now study for quiz.