Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Vocab #3

Caprice -noun- a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior

The fairy’s caprice caused it to fly around for hours and eventually become lost and exshausted.
Aberration -noun- a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, usually unwelcome

The puppy was an abberation; no other canine had ever been born with scales instead of fur.

Zealously -adv- having or showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective

The teacher zealously went after the student who did not complete their homework.

Fecund -adj- producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or newgrowthfertile

The fecund Mormons had about twenty two children.
Callous -adj- showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
The woman's callous attitude towards men caused many a broken heart.

Compulsory -adj- required by law or a rule
Going to school is compulsory, no illness will get you out permanently.

Manifest -vb- to make clear or obvious to the eye or understanding
The will teacher manifest the technicalities of the assignment you must complete.
Bequeath -vb- leave (a personal estate or one's bodyto a person or other beneficiaryby a will
The old woman bequeathed her youngest granddaughter her most prized china teapot.

Skirted -vb- go around or past the edge of something
Ambivalence -adj- having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something orsomeone
Ebbing -vb- gradually lessen or reduce
Ineffable -adj- too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words

Monday, September 26, 2011

Combining Sentences: Bears

Dan was left crying when the big bear, who broke open the garage and ate left over pizza, got shot by his father.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


2000 years-old, the art of secret collection of intelligent information was started in China by Sun Tzu.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Combining Sentences

John Wayne, John's hero, wears a cowboy hat just like his girlfriend likes him to do with his own beloved hats.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Complex Sentence

Complex Sentences – contains one main or independent clause and one + subordinate or dependent clauses
            When a dependent clause stands alone, it creates a fragment.
            A fragment is less than one main clause
            It is a major error that  an academic writer should avoid.
EX. Because leis made of flowers, leaves, or shells are usually associated with the Hawaiian Islands.
This type of fragment can be avoided by eliminating the subordinate connective
EX Because ;eis made of flower, leave, or shells are usuallu associated with the Hawaiian Islands, manu people are not aware of the universal connection between the lei and necklaces and crowns worn in other parts of the world.
            Some subordinate connectives double function as prepostitions
Although they are both modifiers, it is easy to distinguish one from the other
A dependent clause always has a subordinate connective that is followed by a    complete subject and complete verb
EX Before the Hawaiian lei came into being, necklaces and crowns were worn as body adornments, tokens of love, and symbol of rank since prehistoric times.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cold Equations

If I were Barton I would have not been so swayed by the fact that the stowaway was an "innocent" girl. Just because it was a girl doesn't mean anything. Sure she was innocent, but ignorance is never an excuse. When you do not know anything about the territory in which you are about to travel, you research. The reason you research is to prevent any stupid mistakes that could easily be avoided. Because Marilyn was a girl who obviously had little sense, her loss would be even less of a tragedy. Barton should have understood this but chose to let his emotions get in the way of common sense.

By letting the girl contact her brother and stay for a few hours she got some peace and a closing on her short life. Yet, by allowing her to do this he cause himself more pain than was necessary. He should have jettisoned her immediately, instead of becoming attached to her. Common sense also dictates that the serum that could save 6 people who are doing important work has more value than one girl who has done nothing with her life. He might feel regret, but it would be better than being broken, as he was in the end.

1 Symbol - all the important items are white, white door to airlock, white hand on gauge
1 Allusion - the golden fleece is an allusion to Greek mythology
2 Foreshadows - "if he comes back in time" & that he was talking about how every stowaway must be             jettisoned
Favorite Line - It was a cold equation.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Transitive Verbs

A transitive verb is a verb that is followed by a direct object upon which it acts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vocab 2

Pummel - vb- strike repeatedly, typically with the fists
I pummeled an unintelligent acquaintance of mine for lowering my grade with their incompetence.
Cajole - vb- persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery
The kid will try to cajole the parent to let them off easy if they are ever grounded.
Irate - adj- feeling or characterized by great anger
The chipmunk was irate when it discovered the stash of nuts was gone.
Insolence - adj- showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
The insolence of Hamalt infuriated his traditional teacher.
Maliciously - adv- characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm 
The puppy maliciously bit its brother on the year.
Quell - vb- put an end to
The King quelled the rebellion by killing all the wrong-doers. 
Perspicacity - adj- having a ready insight into and understanding of things
The kind lady's perspicacity showed she knew about the orphan child's unfortunate predicament.
Dastardly -adj- wicked and cruel
The dastardly alien harvested children for its dinner and sometimes brunch.
Churlish -adj- rude in a mean-spirited and surly way
The child was churlish in manner when refusing to take a nap.
Assiduously -adv- showing great care and perseverance
Holding a dragonfly assiduously convinced her that he was the best guy EVER!
Annul -vb- declare invalid 
The supreme court annulled a decision by the state court.
Chagrin -noun- distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated 
Anecdote - noun- a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
Efficacy -noun- the ability to produce a desired or intended result