Summarize: Granger explains how the men around him are books. They have memorized entire books on a variety of subjects. They aim to keep this knowledge un their own minds because paper & film is too easily destroyed or found. He also cautions Montag on the dangers of feelings of individual supiority, saying that if you forget you are just one part of a bigger picture, it can lead to death by hoping to attempt some sort of recruitment. He believes that by talking to only select people the knowledge will not be diluted and only people who come to their 'secret society' by themselves with free will, will truly learn or be able to change anything. Granger hopes that one day they will be able to permanently write down the knowledge in thier heads, until then, it is best to keep it a secret. Granger then moves onto talking about how the world is shaped by people. Shaped meaning changed somehow, altered, for better or for worse. This ties in with his hope that books will one day be important by thier actions in memorizing them. Planes fly overhead and they bomb the city from which Montag just came. He thinks about his wife, Clarrise, and Faber, hoping all are not dead. He focuses in on his wife because she was the only one still in the city. He then decides that someday he will come back to the ruins of this city and visit. He walks away towards the largely unkown.
Discuss: This first part of this whole section is the author taling about his views on subjects like death and knowledge. Not first hand, but through Grnager. Talking about how paper and video are unreliable might be trying to tell the readers to always look for yourself because the information just being on a piece of paper doesn't make it accurate. Then Montag and Granger discuss the way the world is shaped. How Granger believes it to be shaped is saying that just because we don't know it, but we change something else, someone else might come upon that change and make a bigger change. So we are all effecting each other in sometime oblvious sometimes not, ways. The last part of the conclusion is just wrapping the story up, with Montag coming to a sort of peace about Mildred.
Literary Elements:
Allusions - All of the author's names mentioned thoughout the pages we read.
The coat of a thousand colors, allusion to the Christian bible.
The paragraph two before last that talks about a tree, is referencing to the bible.
Irony - The sane people, all warm and cozy inside their perfect houses & lives, ended up dying, while hobos in a wild forest are still alive and well.
They also drove Montag out of the city to protect themselves, while it was really protecting Montag from being blown to bits.
Symbols - The forest was a symbol for the unknown and how the men were venturing into it.